
Monday, February 3, 2014

Superbowl Monday

Since I am way out here in Japan, my Superbowl was on Monday morning at 8am. While most of my parents opened up a beer early and settled down in their PJ's for a trample of a game, I got to go off to work like any other day.

I had 2 meetings Monday that added on more work onto my already busy schedule.
The first was a EDIS meeting so I could schedule a screening for all my kiddos. This lasted 45 minutes when it was supposed to last 15.

My second meeting was with the school owner. In my school there is an owner. One man who supports this school and believes, he should make money from it. (This is a joke.) This meeting lasted 3 and a half hours and sadly it was mostly about his bad business moves and my exemplary ones.

But I walked away with more jobs and more to do. I walked away with a simple idea as well.

My translator would ask about a question I would have and then would ask what solution I had for it. What an incredible way to lead life. Don't just think of the problem but come up with some ways to fix it. For most of the problems, it took me another 12 seconds to come up with a feasible solution. The ones I didn't have solutions for was because the problem was the boss so I said that I was stuck on that problem and needed his help (which I had already given him a list of things to do for solving it but he didn't do it yet).

Just a tip, I thought I'd share.

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