
Sunday, February 23, 2014

Energy Drain: Activated!

When does playing with or learning with your students start to feel like a chore? When do Mondays seem to drag? When do the meetings outweigh the fun? When do the planning hours that zipped by ruin your day?

I think those days happen to me when I am drained! When my kiddos have been having a pretty gruling day, when my stress levels are out of control when I just don't have the energy to go on.

So why not share that with the kiddos. Explain to them that you get energy off their behaviors and the better they behave the more you can do for them.

What happens if they are having an exhausting and draining day? You take that away from them. You have given them the knowledge, you have explained your reasoning and when you take something away because you don't have the energy to keep it up, they will learn.

Explain to them "Uh oh! How sad! You forgot how to listen today and you drained my energy. Now I don't have the energy to take you outside. I KNOW you will do better tomorrow!"

Let their actions dictate yours! That way they are the bad guys! Not you.

How can you use Energy Drain in your classroom to help communicate empathy and understanding in your classes?

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