
Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Opt Out

I read this article the other day that really got me thinking. It is all about how some parents are opting their children out of standardized testing. What a remarkable idea!

Here the government is trying to fix the system, the teachers are fighting it and the parents could solve it right under everyone's noses. If the kids don't test, there is no argument to be had.

Now, I know the benefits of testing, I understand wanting to know how your child compares to the rest and make sure everything is going the way it should be, but if teachers went back to teaching that creates passion and dedication, then the students would learn more about how to learn in a way that benefits them and works in the society that can learn all the facts with a touch of their thumbs.

We, as teachers, need to learn how we can help students ask the right questions and question further, how students can learn the next level and question themselves.

As a teacher, I am an advocate for what is best for my students and I think opting out of these tests and standing up to the issues in the education field is hands down what is best.

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