I am made of baseball lingo and who's on first
Of the smell of spring and the sound of the bat on the ball
I am made of catch phrases, caught balls and called out's
Of love that can be as exciting as walk off home runs
I am made of too many letters and not enough verbs
Of a need to write everything that I say down as soon as its said
I am made of scrap books full of storybook memories
And of ideas that will become stories themselves
I am made of Power Rangers and Boy Meets World
Of freeze tag and beautiful Barbie dolls
I am made of Lego pieces that never get undone
Bubble wrap that always gets popped
I am made of lasting friendships meant to spark laughter,
broken hearts meant to teach and an everafter love.
I am made of hard decisions and strong skin
Of know-it-all attitudes and quick wit.
I am made to be a copyright of me.
Power Rangers!