
Friday, February 12, 2010

The Write Half

It’s her soul. It’s her being.
She lives for that feeling
Step back. Watch her soar.
Watch her live the life she was always destined for.
This. That moment.
The one where everything starts falling into place.
It’s like each thought has been predetermined
Chewed up and spit out.
Yet here she is. Rearranging the thoughts that everyone else had
Making it perfect. Perfect
She’s meant to do this.
It’s her passion. It’s her trust
That this world, this belief
And this moment is worth more
Than anything else.
And that if she could pour her feelings
Onto this paper. Into these thoughts
That maybe, maybe
She could find one person her words could affect
Someone’s life that she could touch.
Just like hers has been touched.
Everyone deserves to feel whole.
And she’s willing to write the other half.

Monday, February 8, 2010

The Next Breakthrough

This is another step of getting over you.
I dont know if you feel it but i do.
i dont know if you sense it like i do.
but these are the last straws.
and they are bending.
just like all of those before them.
its not much longer til i dont hear from you
not much longer til i dont see you.
its not much longer, til you no longer exist to me

so what was the step?
what divided me even further from you?
someone elses love story
a fact that i didnt have to think of you
and i didnt
it didnt remind me of you in the slightest
in fact,
it reminded me of him
every part, everything went to him.

thats what moving on is.
it is the ability to get over
to let go
to move on.
and thats what is going on
i am done
i played your game
and i am through
i am ready to start a new game
that does not involve you

im ready to look at love
and not want you
i am ready to look at life
and not need you
i am ready to take those last steps
and walk
walk far away
to find my own direction
to bend my own way
and to leave you behind.

all for love
all for happiness
but mainly,
more than anything
all for me.
because i deserve
my own path
my own way
my own love.