You know what I love about postseason baseball. The entire season is a waste of space. Nothing goes how it is predicted and yet everyone's true colors came out.
This was the first year that Chicago has been in the playoffs since Facebook became mainstream and I think a lot of friendships are broken and a lot more are teetering.
I noticed a few other things this post season about both groups of fans.
We both have a group of fans that wouldn't dream rooting the others on and a group that roots for Chicago. Personally, I am of the former. But I enjoy the fact that even in this we are alike.
We both were silenced this post-season. I was a mess; I will admit that. And I stayed nice and silent while my insides were in turmoil and as the Mets started winning, I started speaking up. The opposite is true for the Cubbies. Oh! They thought they won the whole postseason after they won the Wild Card game. And game after game after that, they just kept the hype going. Until they couldn't and the whole city fell silent.
Watch out! The Bandwagoners are coming! For some reason both fanbases hate the bandwagoners. I think its cool that you can pool people from other teams after their team has fallen and watch as they root your team on.
But really they are already here! My mom hates baseball. She doesn't know how many innings are in a game, how many balls are in a walk, she is lucky if she can even point out the White Sox. Yet I know when baseball gets exciting in Chicago because even she starts talking about it. There are fans like this that creep in because the city is electrified. If you asked my mom who she was rooting for, she'd hesitate but probably would have said the Cubs. If you don't pay attention, how could you vote anything else? For many, baseball is not exciting... but when it is... its joltingly so.
We both think we are the underdog. Who doesn't love a good underdog story. "It has been over 100 years since the Cubs have been in the World Series but LOOK at them now?" "The Sox are under-represented, have less fans and basically forgotten in this city but LOOK how they won." We both want to prove something. (Some of us are just better at it.)
The point of the matter is that despite which side of the city you root for. Your heart gets into it during the post season. Some friendships may be lost, some may be gained and some habits never grow old.